Sunlight access is an important consideration when planning for higher densities in northern cities like Anchorage. In support of a zoning text amendment for the R-2A, R-2D, and R-2M districts that would enable more contextual compact development, I created sunlight access models in SketchUp that visualized potential impacts to abutting lots under different sunlight access development standards during low-light seasons.
The two scenarios on the right visualize shadow impacts under modified bulk regulations for the zoning districts with sunlight access standards. They are contrasted with impacts that would be allowable under the standards in place at the time, shown in the scenario on the left, which did not include sunlight access standards for developments.
These visualizations made it easier for the Planning Department to analyze the impacts of different floor area ratio requirements and sunlight access step-backs that we have been considering as part of the zoning text amendment. They have also allowed the department to share scenarios with the community for a more transparent outreach and decision-making process.