Alta Planning + Design was hired by Groundwork Hudson Valley to produce a neighborhood plan for the Lawrence Street neighborhood in Yonkers, NY.
As the planner for the project, my role was to analyze relevant data, develop maps, visualizations, graphics, and write and format the plan document. I also occasionally led meetings and site visits with the client. The below represents a selection of my work products for this effort.
The above displays selected excerpts from the plan for the purpose of displaying the plan layout I developed. All graphics and writing are my own, with the exception of some of the figures in the Case Studies section and the graphic on page 34.

I created the above photosimulation to visualize potential bicycle, pedestrian, and transit improvements at a proposed trail crossing on McLean Avenue near Van Cortlandt Park Avenue.

A also created this photosimulation, which shows how a proposed Community Mural Program could enhance a series of existing parking lot walls adjacent to the trail.

This heat map represents the output of a GIS analysis that used a variety of land use and transportation inputs to arrive at a pattern of estimated demand for active transportation facilities.

The demand heat map, used as an overlay in this map, was then used to help determine the priority of planned neighborhood improvements as outilned in this recommendations map.